Progress Pals (sign up for FREE!)

Do you respond better to the coach, a cheerleader or a drill sergeant?

When you sign up to be one of our Progress Pals, you'll get a mixture of all three! We know that people are more likely to succeed when someone who cares about them asks about their progress. Progress Pals is designed to do just that!

Here's how it works: you share with us a goal that you're working on, tell us whether you prefer email or text messages, and we check up on you. Then, you trust that we will respect your privacy AND support you. We'll check on you 2 - 4 times each month. Then, when you accomplish your goal, we celebrate with you! That's it!

You can join Progress Pals for free.

As you succeed and set new goals, we want you to share your new challenges so that we can keep checking in and rooting for you. We want you, so click here to join Progress Pals!!!