Posts Tagged ‘boundaries’
How Do You Have Such Love for a Place You Can’t Stay?
A throwback – sharing a post from my journal…. This is probably the best NY’s Eve and Day that I’ve had in a very long time. I love having no…
Read MoreAre you willing to lose yourself just because someone is lost to themselves?
Are you willing to lose yourself just because someone is lost to themselves? If you are in a relationship with someone where you are subjected to manipulation and abuse, whether…
Read MoreChange is not possible without conviction
One of the hardest things in the world to do is to identify what truly matters to you and subsequently go about redesigning your life so that everything you do…
Read MoreHave You Judged Yourself As A Failure Prematurely?
Have you judged yourself as a failure prematurely? Sometimes, we set goals and we go after them gusto and things don’t work out the we’d hoped and planned. When this…
Read MoreWhy Obituary Writing?
Introspective activities are my favorite form of emotional selfcare (hiking is my favorite form of physical self care whereas taking off at least one full day on the weekends (including…
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