Move past shame, align everything with your goals, & design the life you want.
On a near-daily basis, I interact with people who are struggling with their own goals because they take on the struggles of the people in their lives; however, their issues are broader than that. They also struggle with being judged, both internally and externally: am I really a bad person for wanting to focus my time, energy, and money on what's important to me instead of what's important to everybody else, including “mama nem”, the kids, my partner, my job, my church community, and sometimes, people I don’t even know!
Our Services
- Design the Life You Want to Live
(Individual Coaching) - Dream Drivers Group Coaching
- Bring-Your-Own-Group Coaching
- Reflect to Refocus Retreat Weekends
- Design the Life You Want to Live
People who feel obligated to yes to others are often resentful of those added responsibilities, whether they show it or not.
But get this: often they aren't even clear on or particularly committed to their own goals! They just know they aren't working on anything that lights their souls on fire.
They're following their day-to-day routines, feeling more underwhelmed and getting further and further behind.
They've lost their passion for themselves in the execution of responsibilities to others. In turn, each day turns into one more month, one more year, of talking about that weight they wanted to lose, the book they wanted to write, the trip they wanted to take, and all of the other things they dream about, but never do.
I help my clients identify their real goals, develop what I call an "anchor habit" (the one thing that you refuse to sacrifice), set boundaries, and renegotiate their responsibilities to align nearly everything they do with their goals.
Then, I follow up with them after they complete my program. I can’t make them do anything; however, I want to be the reminder that they ALWAYS have a choice.............even if they’re choosing to betray themselves.