The 3ps

How are you Personally, Professionally, and Physically?

Our community’s signature check in is, “How are you doing personally, professionally, and physically?” We calls these our 3Ps and use them to encourage one another to be self aware and present with themselves about how they are managing their personal, professional, and physical needs.

Where did the name “PinkBoxesClub” come from?

I asked a friend whose life is super busy with personal, family, and work commitments how she made time for everything. I was so impressed by her response and her deliberateness that I used her story to name my coaching practice.

She told me that she lives by her calendar and that it’s color-coded. When she looks at each week’s obligations, if there aren’t enough pink boxes on it (pink is her calender color for self-care), she will rearrange and delete some things to make time for what’s important to her because she saw that she was better with regular selfcare.

Formally and in our sisterly manner, we do personal check ins with one another to get our Club members to think about the things that matter to them, even if they don’t matter to anybody else in their lives. Sometimes, we short change our personal interests and goals, whether out of fear or a mindset that leads us to believe that we don’t have space or capacity for ourselves. We aim to remind you that you don’t need group consensus on the things that matter to you and that capacity is more about focus than limits.

Our second P, the professional check-in, is your opportunity to be courageous and vulnerable about your work. Since we spend so much time either on the job or tethered to the office with our devices, work has a tremendous impact on our lives. If we’re not careful, work can also compete with and overshadow our personal goals. We push PinkBoxesClub members to decide the role that their jobs and professional pursuits play in their lives and goals beyond money so that they stay focused on their dreams and do more of what matters to them.

The third P, physical wellness, is our most important P because…well… if you aren’t healthy (physically and emotionally), it’s hard to focus on the other Ps. Whether it’s improving your eating habits, exercising consistently, or seeing a therapist, wellness and confidence are central to good livin’. We mean it when we say, we want you to do whatever it takes be healthy and feel good about yourself.