Are You Scared?


A significant part of fear is worrying about who is going to criticize you and your approach to your goal. You have to make changes and adjustments to what you’re doing based on what makes sense to you, not because yet another person gave you unsolicited advice or laughed at what matters to you. The people who disparage you, your methods or your goals are likely stuck in their own journey or there’s something about your goals that makes them question their deeply held beliefs (ignore these people). If you believe the person isn’t engaging you from a place of being stuck, ask yourself whether your goals threaten them somehow. For example, if pursuing your goals changes how you show up in your relationship with that person, they may not welcome that change. When someone believes your choice to love yourself means abandoning them, giving in to the fear of disappointing them isn’t the answer. Communication, clarity, and renegotiating what it means to be connected are options that are ALWAYS on the table, even if your feelings make you feel stuck.

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