
  • All
  • Pretty Faces & Beautiful Souls
  • The Personal
  • The Physical
  • The Professional

Sep 22 2024

Whatever you feed will grow!

The other day, I was beyond angry. I was seeing grey smoke. Thankfully, I had three friends who let me vent. But get this: when I got around to my fourth friend ...
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Sep 20 2024

Who You Are versus What You Do

Be clear about the difference between who/what you are and what you do.  The relationships in your life are based on one or the other. Neither is necessarily good or necessarily bad. ...
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Sep 17 2024

What’s Your Recovery Plan?

It is impossible to become the person you want to be and avoid all mistakes. No matter who you are, no matter how worthwhile your goal, you are going to stumble and ...
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Aug 16 2024

Are You Scared?

A significant part of fear is worrying about who is going to criticize you and your approach to your goal. You have to make changes and adjustments to what you're doing based ...
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Does that Goal REALLY Matter to You?

Focus is about remembering your why and setting goals that are truly compelling. When you set a goal that you aren't really committed to, it's easy to look up one day and ...
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Aug 7 2024

Michelle and Kenya Talk Conflict, Self-Care, Success, and Distractions

Is it hard for everybody to hear their own voice, or is it just me? I'm digging in the crates and listening to old episodes of The Leadership Drives podcast. This episode ...
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Jul 31 2024

Personal Grit

Stick-to-it-ness is more than about not quitting. It's also about sticking to the plan that you created for success. You will be tempted to keep trying new things, especially if you don't ...
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Jul 31 2024

Waiting for the Good Stuff

Delayed gratification is recognizing that success involves learning, application, failure, revision, and re-doing. Even as you look at how much growth is before you, train yourself to respect what you've already done. ...
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Jul 22 2024

How many, “Starting now Mondays” have you had?

It's Monday: are you starting a new diet, budget, exercise routine, reading more, looking for a job, signing up for a school or some new learning opportunity, dressing differently, putting your foot ...
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Jun 30 2024

It’s Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You Aren’t the One

I understand why it takes some ppl so long to decide to commit to someone they've been with forever. It’s NEVER as simple as "you aren't the one" when a man/woman won't ...
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Two smiling black women on the beach

Jun 6 2024

Who do you talk to?

Ultimately, it is an act of self-care to know when my kee-kee person can and can’t be my “oh shit” person: who do you talk to?  So, I made a pretty big ...
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Apr 28 2024

How Do You Have Such Love for a Place You Can’t Stay?

A throwback - sharing a post from my journal.... This is probably the best NY's Eve and Day that I've had in a very long time. I love having no agenda other ...
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Apr 21 2024

Why Are You Dragging Your Feet?

Sometimes you know what you need to do, but you don’t do it. You don’t do it because it’s hard to overcome your patterns and habits. Coincidentally, you know these patterns and ...
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Mar 24 2024

Have you grown out of what you grew up in?

When you look at the various experiences you've had over your life, especially the early experiences, how do they show up for you now, as an adult? Can you connect some of ...
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Mar 17 2024

Are you afraid to ask for what you really want?

Is this you? A friend has an upcoming event that is VERY important to her.  She wants me to come; however, she began with, "If you can't make it, it's okay. I ...
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Mar 2 2024

It’s Okay to Need Help

Have you ever felt like this?  Nobody can tell me what to do. This is just a time in my life when I can’t see or think straight. The more I ask for ...
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Feb 18 2024

Stop Arguing with Them

Have you ever held an unpopular perspective near and dear to your heart? By near and dear, I’m not referring to something that you necessarily like or makes you feel warm and ...
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Jan 20 2024

Are you willing to lose yourself just because someone is lost to themselves?

Are you willing to lose yourself just because someone is lost to themselves? If you are in a relationship with someone where you are subjected to manipulation and abuse, whether emotional, physical, ...
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Feb 26 2023

What are you focused on?

I was thinking about people who I admire and had an introspective moment about the power of vision and focus. One of the things that many of the people I admire have ...
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Feb 12 2023

Change is not possible without conviction

One of the hardest things in the world to do is to identify what truly matters to you and subsequently go about redesigning your life so that everything you do helps you ...
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Feb 9 2023

My Struggle Isn’t Your Struggle…

My struggle isn’t your struggle - this is why some things look easier for me.     I have a friend who I sometimes call my “almost auntie” because she’s only about ten ...
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Jan 19 2023

Have You Judged Yourself As A Failure Prematurely?

Have you judged yourself as a failure prematurely? Sometimes, we set goals and we go after them gusto and things don’t work out the we’d hoped and planned. When this happens, it ...
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Jan 14 2023

Iyanla Your Own Life!

Okay, it’s late January; where are you with your resolutions? Bump yall who didn’t make any - don’t get me wrong, I kind of dissed them, too. I dissed them because I ...
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Dec 20 2022

Why Obituary Writing?

Introspective activities are my favorite form of emotional selfcare (hiking is my favorite form of physical self care whereas taking off at least one full day on the weekends (including no email) ...
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Dec 15 2022

Do you Even Know what a Bath House Is?

My first introduction to the idea of a bathhouse occurred while I was in Chicago with my boyfriend (thank goodness for new times and new boyfriends). I didn’t quite get the concept, ...
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Oct 15 2022

End of the Year Resolutions

We all know New Year’s Resolutions aren’t usually worth the breath that it takes us to utter them. I mean, let’s be honest: resolutions are not real goals! They are fairytales and ...
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Sep 30 2022

Mantras To Live By

I was sitting around the other day and thinking about a hashtag that I saw, #WHATIKNOWNOW. As I thought about it, I thought about all the lessons that I’ve learned and wish ...
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Sep 23 2022

Stop Reading That!

FULL STOP!   You know exactly what I’m talking about. Those posts that tell you that you are broken and in perpetual need of fixing in every area of your life. From ...
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Sep 15 2022

I’m Too Old to Just Be Figuring This Out

Earlier this week, I made a pretty significant mistake. Actually, I made two mistakes. First, when I saw the train derailing, I didn’t advocate for myself. I didn’t know how to backtrack ...
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Sep 9 2022

Your Best Habit

Hard to Change Habits Checking social media and email every few minutes although it’s inhibiting your productivity. Checking email first thing in the morning when you’ve said that you wanted to stop. ...
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Sep 1 2022

It’s Just Me

I had a conversation with a guy last night and something he said reminded me of a conversation I had with a different guy a few years ago.  It also reminded me ...
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Aug 19 2022

Are You Truly Pro-Choice?!

  The vast majority of the women I know can clearly articulate their rationale for their pro-choice abortion stance.   These women can easily and clearly articulate how difficult the decision to ...
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What do you really want to do?

Aug 18 2022

What do you really want to do?

What do you really want to do? I don’t feel particularly passionate about anything.  I don’t have time. I’m going to do it next year.   All of these statements are excuses. ...
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Aug 15 2022

What Does THAT Mean?

This is a long one, but worthwhile. This information will help you at home and at work. So, grab yourself a coffee and buckle up!   When grandma said, “it’s not what ...
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Jul 23 2022


How would you explain intersectionality and this other concept called “womanism”? ________________________ I have a great relationship with an 89-year-old woman, who just happens to be my great grandmother’s oldest living niece. ...
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Jul 16 2022

Pin You to The Top

Why I Did It: To embrace my personal sense of adventurousness and own my eccentricity. To have the freedom to not consider anybody else’s preferences. To force me to make myself a ...
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Jul 14 2022

What kind of love do you want?

***This post is a series of posts of dating and relationships. We are specifically looking for guest bloggers to talk about dating, love, and relationships from the point of view of women ...
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Are you still quitting yourself?

Jul 8 2022

Are you still quitting yourself?

I started my business in 2007 because I wanted to work as I authentically am, and I wanted to do work that I felt good about. I had hated most of the ...
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Jul 6 2022

Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy

An excerpt from Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy “Throughout the years to come, I’d experience hurdle, after hurdle, just to jump over and beyond tiny ...
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Jun 30 2022

The 3Ps: The Personal, The Professional, and The Physical

I live in these three buckets, and I think most of us do. Each bucket contributes to my ability to live a full life. I can’t ignore one in favor of the ...
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Apr 29 2022

100 Questions: How well do you know you?

Self-Awareness is the cornerstone of maturity. Without it, a person will not see herself clearly, will lean toward characterizing herself as a perpetual victim or as self-appointment champion (unproven without temperance or ...
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Mar 15 2022

What is Your Recovery Plan?

Last year, I started running with increasing consistency. Frankly, I started running because I wanted to make exercise a regular thing in my life...and I thought running would be both free/cheap and ...
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Mar 15 2022

Dear 88 Year Old, I Remember When You Were 40-something!

Hello Woman!   I’m so glad to see you! Although life is unpredictable in many ways, I’ve worked to prepare you for this moment. I want you to know that I enjoyed ...
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Mar 1 2022

What Makes you YOU?

What’s your “personal culture”?  Ah, I bet you’ve never even thought about it. Most normal people haven’t, at least not in those terms. Think of it like your personal rituals, traditions, and ...
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Feb 25 2022

Food & My Femininity

Cake: Internal Oppression and The Thing I Love It’s the weirdest thing. I think I’m a modern woman. I’m certainly a professional. I reject tradition for tradition’s sake. I’m busy (who isn’t?). ...
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Feb 24 2022

Good and Grown

What makes you feel like a self-possessed grown woman? How old were you when you first felt like a true adult? Or was there an experience that made you feel grown rather ...
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Feb 18 2022

Who is Checking for You….

...because you went first and checked for them? One of the simple pleasures of my life is hosting my bi-monthly ladies check-in. The check-in is a gathering of up to ten women ...
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Feb 12 2022

Don’t You DARE do Dinner and Movie!

I love a man who can plan a great date! I can also be rather competitive in what I call "love show downs". The idea of "out-dating" one another is fun because...well, ...
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Feb 12 2022

Talk about Your Shame

Many years ago, I was fired from “my good government job”. Ironically, the day before I was fired, I told God that I wanted more time to focus on the things that ...
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Jan 30 2022

Toni on Love

If you have stronger, more vivid quotes on love, SEND THEM MY WAY. But, I bet you can’t because all of these were written by my aunt (in my head), the incomparable ...
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Jan 27 2022

A Woman For Every Season

Hmmmm...a winter’s woman? Seriously, what exactly is old? One of my agemates once told me that her grandmother said that she didn’t feel old until she turned 90. By the same token, ...
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Jan 3 2022

Is THAT the Same Tree? What To Do When you KEEP Going in Circles

I have a personal growth practice that totally works for me; I’m sharing it because I hope that you’ll try it and that it’ll totally work for you. So, what is this ...
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Dec 27 2021

The Five Gifts of Reflection

I hope you’re reading this blog post at a time where you have the mental capacity to think about how 2022 and beyond are going to go for you. No, I’m not ...
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Dec 27 2021

What’s Really at the Root of Your Fears?

In 2018, I went from 160 pounds to 119 pounds (mind you, my entire family kept asking if I could afford groceries or if I was sick). I'm still quite proud of ...
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Dec 11 2021

Happy Dance!

The other day (a Friday), my car wouldn't start. I didn't realize this until about 11:30am. Not only was I annoyed by this, but I needed to get my car fixed because ...
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Nov 30 2021

My Holiday Tradition

The holidays are supposed to be a time of family, food, hanging out, and gift-giving. I don’t know if this experience is delightful and true for most people or if most people ...
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Nov 29 2021

Forgiveness is a Patient Companion

You can forgive someone and still be hurt about the situation. Yes, you can love and forgive someone and still be hurt, perhaps broken, about the situation. We've put forth this untrue ...
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Nov 8 2021

Self Care: What It Takes to be Me

The journey to become a pretty face and beautiful soul is the life's work of the grown women. Essentially, you can't be what you want to be to others before you actually ...
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Oct 12 2021


Have you ever longed for something with a type of desperation that is nearly indistinguishable from physical hunger? If your desire for a thing is something you can feel, you got it ...
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Aug 22 2021

Are You Hungry?

Hunger by Roxane Gay I listened to this book on “self-care day”. My self-care day consists of things I need to do to take of me like exercise, no appointments so that I ...
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Jul 6 2021

Self Care is More Than a Spa Day

Maybe it’s age. Maybe it’s a shifting culture. Or Maybe I’ve just hit enough walls to quit playing the game; but I’ve come to learn that constant self-neglect is an absolute and ...
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Jun 30 2021

10 numbers EVERY Woman needs in her Phone

Life is such that there are times when you just need people. You know, the "have your people call my people" type people! Yes, we need people who we know can do ...
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Jun 16 2021

My Juneteeth was May 10th

One of the things that I never share with people who aren’t family (and I don’t share this with all of them) is that it bothers me that my family has always ...
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Dec 11 2020

What would you do if you couldn’t spend a dime?

A few years ago, I lost nearly 40 pounds. I did it with exercise and changing how I ate, and a big part of the new way I was eating meant eating ...
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Nov 1 2020

Come Through, Thanksgiving!!!

You can keep Christmas, all of it. I loooooooooooooooooooooove Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my holiday. Here’s why I love Thanksgiving: I don’t have to shop. Yup, that’s it. I hate the expectation of ...
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Oct 14 2020


Okay, okay, okay!  I admit it! Since George Floyd, I’ve fallen down the audio book rabbit hole. Stick with me for a minute. I’ve listened the following books, and I’ve listened to ...
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Jul 30 2020

40 Things to Smile about Today

Sometimes, life is easier, sweeter, and better just because we notice what makes us smile.  As I prepare to enjoy this lovely Sunday, I let my mind roam to the simple things ...
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Jul 29 2020

What You See Versus What They See

Who are you? Are you who you say you are or are you only what people see? Recently, I had a conversation with a friend about whether I behave the same way ...
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Jul 14 2020

STOP IT!!!! It Really is Okay to Quit

Watch me: I'm a Youtube Video  -----> Stop It!!! It's Okay to Quit A friend of mine once told me that everything we do is done out of fear or love. When ...
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Jun 30 2020

Perseverance vs Endurance

Tonight, while I was supposed to be doing something else, I gave in to the spirit of procrastination and watched The Great Debaters movie for the first time.  I know I’m a ...
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I’m gonna eat the macaroni: black family, black food, and black health

Thanksgiving is three weeks from today, and I’m already planning my menu. While, I’m beyond excited about this season of food, I remember the first time I hurt my grandmother’s feelings around ...
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  • All
  • Pretty Faces & Beautiful Souls
  • The Personal
  • The Physical
  • The Professional

Sep 22 2024

Whatever you feed will grow!

The other day, I was beyond angry. I was seeing grey smoke. Thankfully, I had three friends who let me vent. But get this: when I got around to my fourth friend ...
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Sep 20 2024

Who You Are versus What You Do

Be clear about the difference between who/what you are and what you do.  The relationships in your life are based on one or the other. Neither is necessarily good or necessarily bad. ...
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Sep 17 2024

What’s Your Recovery Plan?

It is impossible to become the person you want to be and avoid all mistakes. No matter who you are, no matter how worthwhile your goal, you are going to stumble and ...
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Aug 16 2024

Are You Scared?

A significant part of fear is worrying about who is going to criticize you and your approach to your goal. You have to make changes and adjustments to what you're doing based ...
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Does that Goal REALLY Matter to You?

Focus is about remembering your why and setting goals that are truly compelling. When you set a goal that you aren't really committed to, it's easy to look up one day and ...
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Aug 7 2024

Michelle and Kenya Talk Conflict, Self-Care, Success, and Distractions

Is it hard for everybody to hear their own voice, or is it just me? I'm digging in the crates and listening to old episodes of The Leadership Drives podcast. This episode ...
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Jul 31 2024

Personal Grit

Stick-to-it-ness is more than about not quitting. It's also about sticking to the plan that you created for success. You will be tempted to keep trying new things, especially if you don't ...
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Jul 31 2024

Waiting for the Good Stuff

Delayed gratification is recognizing that success involves learning, application, failure, revision, and re-doing. Even as you look at how much growth is before you, train yourself to respect what you've already done. ...
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Jul 22 2024

How many, “Starting now Mondays” have you had?

It's Monday: are you starting a new diet, budget, exercise routine, reading more, looking for a job, signing up for a school or some new learning opportunity, dressing differently, putting your foot ...
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Jun 30 2024

It’s Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You Aren’t the One

I understand why it takes some ppl so long to decide to commit to someone they've been with forever. It’s NEVER as simple as "you aren't the one" when a man/woman won't ...
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Two smiling black women on the beach

Jun 6 2024

Who do you talk to?

Ultimately, it is an act of self-care to know when my kee-kee person can and can’t be my “oh shit” person: who do you talk to?  So, I made a pretty big ...
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Apr 28 2024

How Do You Have Such Love for a Place You Can’t Stay?

A throwback - sharing a post from my journal.... This is probably the best NY's Eve and Day that I've had in a very long time. I love having no agenda other ...
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Apr 21 2024

Why Are You Dragging Your Feet?

Sometimes you know what you need to do, but you don’t do it. You don’t do it because it’s hard to overcome your patterns and habits. Coincidentally, you know these patterns and ...
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Mar 24 2024

Have you grown out of what you grew up in?

When you look at the various experiences you've had over your life, especially the early experiences, how do they show up for you now, as an adult? Can you connect some of ...
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Mar 17 2024

Are you afraid to ask for what you really want?

Is this you? A friend has an upcoming event that is VERY important to her.  She wants me to come; however, she began with, "If you can't make it, it's okay. I ...
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Mar 2 2024

It’s Okay to Need Help

Have you ever felt like this?  Nobody can tell me what to do. This is just a time in my life when I can’t see or think straight. The more I ask for ...
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Feb 18 2024

Stop Arguing with Them

Have you ever held an unpopular perspective near and dear to your heart? By near and dear, I’m not referring to something that you necessarily like or makes you feel warm and ...
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Jan 20 2024

Are you willing to lose yourself just because someone is lost to themselves?

Are you willing to lose yourself just because someone is lost to themselves? If you are in a relationship with someone where you are subjected to manipulation and abuse, whether emotional, physical, ...
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Feb 26 2023

What are you focused on?

I was thinking about people who I admire and had an introspective moment about the power of vision and focus. One of the things that many of the people I admire have ...
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Feb 12 2023

Change is not possible without conviction

One of the hardest things in the world to do is to identify what truly matters to you and subsequently go about redesigning your life so that everything you do helps you ...
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Feb 9 2023

My Struggle Isn’t Your Struggle…

My struggle isn’t your struggle - this is why some things look easier for me.     I have a friend who I sometimes call my “almost auntie” because she’s only about ten ...
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Jan 19 2023

Have You Judged Yourself As A Failure Prematurely?

Have you judged yourself as a failure prematurely? Sometimes, we set goals and we go after them gusto and things don’t work out the we’d hoped and planned. When this happens, it ...
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Jan 14 2023

Iyanla Your Own Life!

Okay, it’s late January; where are you with your resolutions? Bump yall who didn’t make any - don’t get me wrong, I kind of dissed them, too. I dissed them because I ...
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Dec 20 2022

Why Obituary Writing?

Introspective activities are my favorite form of emotional selfcare (hiking is my favorite form of physical self care whereas taking off at least one full day on the weekends (including no email) ...
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Dec 15 2022

Do you Even Know what a Bath House Is?

My first introduction to the idea of a bathhouse occurred while I was in Chicago with my boyfriend (thank goodness for new times and new boyfriends). I didn’t quite get the concept, ...
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Oct 15 2022

End of the Year Resolutions

We all know New Year’s Resolutions aren’t usually worth the breath that it takes us to utter them. I mean, let’s be honest: resolutions are not real goals! They are fairytales and ...
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Sep 30 2022

Mantras To Live By

I was sitting around the other day and thinking about a hashtag that I saw, #WHATIKNOWNOW. As I thought about it, I thought about all the lessons that I’ve learned and wish ...
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Sep 23 2022

Stop Reading That!

FULL STOP!   You know exactly what I’m talking about. Those posts that tell you that you are broken and in perpetual need of fixing in every area of your life. From ...
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Sep 15 2022

I’m Too Old to Just Be Figuring This Out

Earlier this week, I made a pretty significant mistake. Actually, I made two mistakes. First, when I saw the train derailing, I didn’t advocate for myself. I didn’t know how to backtrack ...
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Sep 9 2022

Your Best Habit

Hard to Change Habits Checking social media and email every few minutes although it’s inhibiting your productivity. Checking email first thing in the morning when you’ve said that you wanted to stop. ...
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Sep 1 2022

It’s Just Me

I had a conversation with a guy last night and something he said reminded me of a conversation I had with a different guy a few years ago.  It also reminded me ...
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Aug 19 2022

Are You Truly Pro-Choice?!

  The vast majority of the women I know can clearly articulate their rationale for their pro-choice abortion stance.   These women can easily and clearly articulate how difficult the decision to ...
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What do you really want to do?

Aug 18 2022

What do you really want to do?

What do you really want to do? I don’t feel particularly passionate about anything.  I don’t have time. I’m going to do it next year.   All of these statements are excuses. ...
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Aug 15 2022

What Does THAT Mean?

This is a long one, but worthwhile. This information will help you at home and at work. So, grab yourself a coffee and buckle up!   When grandma said, “it’s not what ...
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Jul 23 2022


How would you explain intersectionality and this other concept called “womanism”? ________________________ I have a great relationship with an 89-year-old woman, who just happens to be my great grandmother’s oldest living niece. ...
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Jul 16 2022

Pin You to The Top

Why I Did It: To embrace my personal sense of adventurousness and own my eccentricity. To have the freedom to not consider anybody else’s preferences. To force me to make myself a ...
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Jul 14 2022

What kind of love do you want?

***This post is a series of posts of dating and relationships. We are specifically looking for guest bloggers to talk about dating, love, and relationships from the point of view of women ...
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Are you still quitting yourself?

Jul 8 2022

Are you still quitting yourself?

I started my business in 2007 because I wanted to work as I authentically am, and I wanted to do work that I felt good about. I had hated most of the ...
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Jul 6 2022

Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy

An excerpt from Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy “Throughout the years to come, I’d experience hurdle, after hurdle, just to jump over and beyond tiny ...
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Jun 30 2022

The 3Ps: The Personal, The Professional, and The Physical

I live in these three buckets, and I think most of us do. Each bucket contributes to my ability to live a full life. I can’t ignore one in favor of the ...
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Apr 29 2022

100 Questions: How well do you know you?

Self-Awareness is the cornerstone of maturity. Without it, a person will not see herself clearly, will lean toward characterizing herself as a perpetual victim or as self-appointment champion (unproven without temperance or ...
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Mar 15 2022

What is Your Recovery Plan?

Last year, I started running with increasing consistency. Frankly, I started running because I wanted to make exercise a regular thing in my life...and I thought running would be both free/cheap and ...
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Mar 15 2022

Dear 88 Year Old, I Remember When You Were 40-something!

Hello Woman!   I’m so glad to see you! Although life is unpredictable in many ways, I’ve worked to prepare you for this moment. I want you to know that I enjoyed ...
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Mar 1 2022

What Makes you YOU?

What’s your “personal culture”?  Ah, I bet you’ve never even thought about it. Most normal people haven’t, at least not in those terms. Think of it like your personal rituals, traditions, and ...
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Feb 25 2022

Food & My Femininity

Cake: Internal Oppression and The Thing I Love It’s the weirdest thing. I think I’m a modern woman. I’m certainly a professional. I reject tradition for tradition’s sake. I’m busy (who isn’t?). ...
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Feb 24 2022

Good and Grown

What makes you feel like a self-possessed grown woman? How old were you when you first felt like a true adult? Or was there an experience that made you feel grown rather ...
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Feb 18 2022

Who is Checking for You….

...because you went first and checked for them? One of the simple pleasures of my life is hosting my bi-monthly ladies check-in. The check-in is a gathering of up to ten women ...
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Feb 12 2022

Don’t You DARE do Dinner and Movie!

I love a man who can plan a great date! I can also be rather competitive in what I call "love show downs". The idea of "out-dating" one another is fun because...well, ...
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Feb 12 2022

Talk about Your Shame

Many years ago, I was fired from “my good government job”. Ironically, the day before I was fired, I told God that I wanted more time to focus on the things that ...
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Jan 30 2022

Toni on Love

If you have stronger, more vivid quotes on love, SEND THEM MY WAY. But, I bet you can’t because all of these were written by my aunt (in my head), the incomparable ...
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Jan 27 2022

A Woman For Every Season

Hmmmm...a winter’s woman? Seriously, what exactly is old? One of my agemates once told me that her grandmother said that she didn’t feel old until she turned 90. By the same token, ...
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Jan 3 2022

Is THAT the Same Tree? What To Do When you KEEP Going in Circles

I have a personal growth practice that totally works for me; I’m sharing it because I hope that you’ll try it and that it’ll totally work for you. So, what is this ...
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Dec 27 2021

The Five Gifts of Reflection

I hope you’re reading this blog post at a time where you have the mental capacity to think about how 2022 and beyond are going to go for you. No, I’m not ...
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Dec 27 2021

What’s Really at the Root of Your Fears?

In 2018, I went from 160 pounds to 119 pounds (mind you, my entire family kept asking if I could afford groceries or if I was sick). I'm still quite proud of ...
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Dec 11 2021

Happy Dance!

The other day (a Friday), my car wouldn't start. I didn't realize this until about 11:30am. Not only was I annoyed by this, but I needed to get my car fixed because ...
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Nov 30 2021

My Holiday Tradition

The holidays are supposed to be a time of family, food, hanging out, and gift-giving. I don’t know if this experience is delightful and true for most people or if most people ...
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Nov 29 2021

Forgiveness is a Patient Companion

You can forgive someone and still be hurt about the situation. Yes, you can love and forgive someone and still be hurt, perhaps broken, about the situation. We've put forth this untrue ...
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Nov 8 2021

Self Care: What It Takes to be Me

The journey to become a pretty face and beautiful soul is the life's work of the grown women. Essentially, you can't be what you want to be to others before you actually ...
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Oct 12 2021


Have you ever longed for something with a type of desperation that is nearly indistinguishable from physical hunger? If your desire for a thing is something you can feel, you got it ...
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Aug 22 2021

Are You Hungry?

Hunger by Roxane Gay I listened to this book on “self-care day”. My self-care day consists of things I need to do to take of me like exercise, no appointments so that I ...
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Jul 6 2021

Self Care is More Than a Spa Day

Maybe it’s age. Maybe it’s a shifting culture. Or Maybe I’ve just hit enough walls to quit playing the game; but I’ve come to learn that constant self-neglect is an absolute and ...
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Jun 30 2021

10 numbers EVERY Woman needs in her Phone

Life is such that there are times when you just need people. You know, the "have your people call my people" type people! Yes, we need people who we know can do ...
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Jun 16 2021

My Juneteeth was May 10th

One of the things that I never share with people who aren’t family (and I don’t share this with all of them) is that it bothers me that my family has always ...
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Dec 11 2020

What would you do if you couldn’t spend a dime?

A few years ago, I lost nearly 40 pounds. I did it with exercise and changing how I ate, and a big part of the new way I was eating meant eating ...
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Nov 1 2020

Come Through, Thanksgiving!!!

You can keep Christmas, all of it. I loooooooooooooooooooooove Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is my holiday. Here’s why I love Thanksgiving: I don’t have to shop. Yup, that’s it. I hate the expectation of ...
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Oct 14 2020


Okay, okay, okay!  I admit it! Since George Floyd, I’ve fallen down the audio book rabbit hole. Stick with me for a minute. I’ve listened the following books, and I’ve listened to ...
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Jul 30 2020

40 Things to Smile about Today

Sometimes, life is easier, sweeter, and better just because we notice what makes us smile.  As I prepare to enjoy this lovely Sunday, I let my mind roam to the simple things ...
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Jul 29 2020

What You See Versus What They See

Who are you? Are you who you say you are or are you only what people see? Recently, I had a conversation with a friend about whether I behave the same way ...
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Jul 14 2020

STOP IT!!!! It Really is Okay to Quit

Watch me: I'm a Youtube Video  -----> Stop It!!! It's Okay to Quit A friend of mine once told me that everything we do is done out of fear or love. When ...
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Jun 30 2020

Perseverance vs Endurance

Tonight, while I was supposed to be doing something else, I gave in to the spirit of procrastination and watched The Great Debaters movie for the first time.  I know I’m a ...
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I’m gonna eat the macaroni: black family, black food, and black health

Thanksgiving is three weeks from today, and I’m already planning my menu. While, I’m beyond excited about this season of food, I remember the first time I hurt my grandmother’s feelings around ...
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